My Last Vector

Vector with Rene Ritchie


68 thousand subscribers. 34 million views. 370 videos. All since launching this channel back in 2018. And I couldn’t have done any of it without you. All of you. Which is why I’m both terrified and excited as hell to tell you… This… is my very last Vector. Ok, hear me out: A few weeks ago, well before what’s happening now started happening, I made the decision to leave iMore, the website I’ve been working at for over a decade, and Future PLC, the company that owns it and the Vector channel, and go indie. Yeah, indie. Not to Apple or Google or Twitter or Microsoft, or any of the other major media outlets either. Just indie. Just me. I deeply, truly appreciate what each and every one of you has done for Vector over the last couple of years. You took it from nothing and made it a smart, considerate, vibrant community and in what feels like no time flat. Even if this many videos also feels like basically forever. Now, the Vector channel is staying here with Future. And they have some amazing YouTubers on staff, people I’ve worked with and learned a ton from, like Alex Dobie and Hayato Huseman on Android Central, Daniel Rubino on Windows Central, Kevin Michaluk on CrackBerry, and the inimitable Michael Fisher on The Mr. Mobile. They’re going to keep producing amazing content and I can’t wait to see more of it. I also want to thank everyone at Future Mobile Tech, for helping me do what it is I love so much to do — work my ass off to bring you the very best Apple and related tech coverage on the ‘Net, each day, every day, pretty much all day. And I’ll still be doing just that. Just different. So, if you’ve enjoyed these videos and our conversation as much as I have, and want to keep them going, you’ll still be able to find me @reneritchie on Twitter, Instagram, and starting later this week, /reneritchie right here on YouTube as well. Thank you for watching, time for what's next!