The Spider-Man Wedding
Very Special Episodes - Un pódcast de iHeartPodcasts

In 1987, long before the Marvel Cinematic Universe was a glimmer in Stan Lee's eye, Marvel promised a different kind of blockbuster: Spider-Man and Mary Jane would get married. Not just in the comics — in front of 51,000 screaming fans at Shea Stadium. And those fans were not happy about it. * VERY SPECIAL CREDITSHosted by Dana Schwartz, Zaron Burnett, and Jason EnglishWritten by Jake RossenProduced by Josh FisherEditing and Sound Design by Chris ChildsMixing and Mastering by Baheed FrazierVoice Actors: Katie Mattie, Chris Childs, and Josh FisherOriginal Music by Elise McCoyResearch and Fact Checking by Jake Rossen and Austin ThompsonShow Logo by Lucy QuintanillaExecutive Producer is Jason English Thanks for listening! If you're enjoying Very Special Episodes, please leave us a rating and review on your favorite podcast platform. You can reach the show at See for privacy information.