Signs and Dimes from The Other Side with Author of "Dimes from Heaven" and "Once Upon a Dime," Monica L. Morrissey Episode 49
WTF Just Happened?!: All about the afterlife. No woo. - Un pódcast de Elizabeth Entin - Jueves

Monica began to get amazing signs (all dimes) after her father passed. Monica L. Morrissey is author of Dimes From Heaven, More Dimes From Heaven and Once Upon a Dime. She is also owner of Intuitive Wellness, where it is all about "soul-care." She is a professor at Southern New Hampshire University where she teaches teachers who are working on their Master’s degree in Curriculum and Assessment. She was an elementary school teacher for 24 years. She taught middle school math for three years and and then was aCurriculum Director for five years (so she is logical!). Monica has been an educator for over thirty years. Her experience teaching others helped her gain the knowledge she would need for the unexpected career change; becoming an author. At the age of fifty, she published her inspiring Dimes from Heaven, How Coins and Coincidences Helped Me Discover My Life as an Empath book to help others understand our connection to loved ones who are in the spirit world and how our thoughts affect our health. Following her intuition like never before, she began sharing stories about synchronistic events revealing that our souls never die. As an empath and natural-born teacher, her faith is guiding her to help people experience life and death in a whole new way. Monica was careful to leave spirituality out of the classroom. Since the tragic death of her nephew in 2008, she secretly began reading and studying about mediums, death, grief, and how our body (and life) are affected by our thoughts. She now has a better knowledge about the afterlife to share with others. Her retirement from the public school system allowed her to follow her true passion; helping people who want to learn more about everlasting life and who want to live healthier and happier lives. Monica is a Reiki Master and Instructor, Intuitive Card Reader, Past Life Regression practitioner, and loves to analyze dreams. At her business, Intuitive Wellness, Monica is dedicated to helping clients with soul-care. When she started writing her stories she knew they were powerful and they would and will continue to help readers experiencing loss. She wants everyone to be able to experience this feeling.Dimes from Heaven was a finalist for the International Indie Book Awards in the category of death and dying and was an Amazon #1 Top New Release in Supernaturalism.Monica knows how powerful these stories of coincidences are from another dimension. Dimes are her signature sign from heaven and people love listening to her stories. The synchronicities reveal a soul’s life is eternal. Each of her books gives us the tools to open the door to heaven so we are able to feel the deep love for those no longer with us. Follow Monica L. Morrissey Website | Amazon | Facebook | Instagram Full Notes for: Signs and Dimes from The Other Side with Author of Dimes from Heaven, Monica L. Morrissey Get: WTF Just Happened?!: A sciencey skeptic explores grief, healing, and evidence of an afterlife In this episode: - Dimes and coins meant something to Monica's dad, especially the Liberty Dimes. - After he passed away, he began to send her dimes - She wrote books to share these signs and help others know they can get signs too - She is an empath and shares how she realized she was - Writing helped her cope with physical pain - How did dimes become a sign - What was the first sign she got - She was greatly impacted by her nephew's passing ] - She discovered Brian Weiss and past life regressions - She does Reiki - She had an intense Reiki experience which helped heal her back - How does she know what to do and what does it feel like when she does healings - She has seen healing when she gave past-life regressions - She also does dream analysis - How can one tell when it is the subconscious mind in a dream versus a dream visitation - She is fascinated by how brains work and more... Book | Website