55: Four Ways to Stay Committed in Your Business
Your Virtual Upline Podcast - Un pódcast de Bob Heilig
Today I want to talk to you about commitment and share with you four key strategies to help you stay committed to performing the right actions in your business to create massive results. Being that last weekend was the Breakthrough Academy Live event, I want to talk about commitment because it’s an appropriate topic. Many attend an event or training and you have this new motivation and enthusiasm for your business. Then you get back and Monday comes around, then Tuesday, and it’s harder to get out of bed, and then Wednesday and Thursday and before you know if you have not changed at all! Commitment is very simply doing the thing you said you would do long after the mood you said it in has left you. It is easy to be committed when you’re in a peak state. But when you are not in that environment anymore it is much harder. Many people are committed until it doesn’t fit in their schedule or its too tough. You must be taking action every single day as these actions will really tell you who you are committed to. The four keys to commitment: Mindset – You must learn to discipline your mind to stay with the commitment. You must learn to overcome the obstacles that are going to come your way. It is a necessary part of success to deal with negativity, rejection, and failure. You must learn to recognize your own greatness and stop being someone your note! You need to remove the fearful thinking that is surrounding yourself. Self-doubt will kill your commitment. Mindset is everything! Refine Your Goals – You can’t hit a target if you don’t know what the target is. You must make clear and specific goals and know exactly what it is and exactly what you need to do to get there. Some of you have no idea what you need to do to get to the next level. Get very specific! Change Your Focus – What we focus on is what we feel. Be grateful for the team you have and the results you’ve created but focus on the future. Forget about the past and focus on where you want to go! Do not wait to feel motivated. The problem is some of you don’t feel motivated and you wait to act. Motivation is very simple. Motivation comes through disciplined action. Sometimes you must force yourself to do it even when you don’t feel like it. Champions commit to disciplined actions every single day and they pay very little attention to how they feel. Accountability – I highly recommend you find someone that can hold you accountable to the disciplined actions that you need to take. Every single week you need to monitor how close you are to your goals and be rooted in the reality of your business at every single moment. With all this, make sure you celebrate the small wins. I really want to challenge you to stay committed to your goals and don’t fall into the trap of having that moment of inspiration to have a bigger and better life and then having that fade away! Follow these four keys principles and stay committed to your business!