Music History Today Network

Un pódcast de Music History Today Podcast Network


1899 Episodo

  1. Madonna Creates Controversy Again, Tom Petty Passes Away: Music History Today Podcast October 2

    Publicado: 2/10/2024
  2. How Apple's Steve Jobs Helped Save the Music Industry: Music History In Depth Podcast October 2 - 8

    Publicado: 1/10/2024
  3. What Happened In Music History October 1: Tragedy on Las Vegas Strip: Music History Today Podcast

    Publicado: 1/10/2024
  4. What Happened in Music History: John Lennon Gets His Stars: Music History Today Podcast September 30

    Publicado: 30/9/2024
  5. MTV Premieres Nirvana Smells Like Teen Spirit Music Video: Music History Today Podcast September 29

    Publicado: 29/9/2024
  6. Coolio Passes Away: Music History Today Podcast September 28

    Publicado: 28/9/2024
  7. Lorde Releases Pure Heroine: Music History Today Podcast September 27

    Publicado: 27/9/2024
  8. Hello Dolly, Put Barry White Into the Hall with The Byrds!! Music Halls of Fame Podcast

    Publicado: 26/9/2024
  9. The Beatles Release Abbey Road: Music History Today Podcast September 26

    Publicado: 26/9/2024
  10. John Bonham Passes Away: Music History Today Podcast September 25

    Publicado: 25/9/2024
  11. 2017 Las Vegas Rte. 91 Music Festival Tragedy: Music History In Depth Podcast September 25-October 1

    Publicado: 24/9/2024
  12. 3 Classic 90s Albums Released On The Same Day: Music History Today Podcast September 24

    Publicado: 24/9/2024
  13. The Boss Bruce Springsteen's Birthday: Music History Today Podcast September 23

    Publicado: 23/9/2024
  14. The First Farm Aid Concert Takes Place: Music History Today Podcast September 22

    Publicado: 22/9/2024
  15. Nirvana Release In Utero & R.E.M. Break Up: Music History Today Podcast September 21

    Publicado: 21/9/2024
  16. The Clash's Album Cover is Created, John Lennon Leaves: Music History Today Podcast September 20

    Publicado: 20/9/2024
  17. Motorhead Deserves to Be Inducted Into The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame: Music Halls of Fame Podcast

    Publicado: 19/9/2024
  18. Michael Jackson's Captain EO Opens at Disney EPCOT: Music History Today Podcast September 19

    Publicado: 19/9/2024
  19. Singles & WKRP In Cincinnati Premiere: Music History Today Podcast September 18

    Publicado: 18/9/2024
  20. Hendrix Dies & Gram Parsons' Body Gets Stolen: Music History In Depth Podcast September 18 - 24

    Publicado: 17/9/2024

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Your music podcast network for all things music history. The podcasts are: The Music History Today daily podcast: a briefing on the daily history of the glorious art form known as music Music Halls of Fame Weekly Podcast, where we celebrate a year in music and an inductee that year of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, along with examining whether a given artist of the week deserves to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Plus, we talk about another Hall of Fame, music museum, or walk of Fame, along with an inductee.

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